Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Requirements, testing and quality

I'm a big fan of testing, test methodologies and approaches. It's a fantastically rich and mature discipline and offers a lot to the project manager. I think the value of a project manager will almost certainly be amplified by even the most rudimentary knowledge of the discipline.

One approach I've become comfortable with is illustrated below.

Here's a link to a read only Google Doc of the illustration. Please help yourself. Here's a link to an editable version - if you can come up with something you think is better or interesting, please amend it as you see fit. If you do edit it, add some comments to the blog explaining your rationale. 

I'm only going to touch on each component briefly now. In practice, with the exception of the quality log, the components are in themselves substantial topics. But I intend to make this something of a recurrent theme and I'll try and support the process with a few useful resources along the way.

Hopefully, most of the elements illustrated are reasonably clear. Requirements, a big topic in itself, will almost certainly be the starting point for the majority of projects. I'll come back to the quality risk analysis (QRA) later. Development and implementation are condensed - they're not my focus here. We undertake testing* and either verify a requirement has been met, recording this in the quality log or find that it hasn't been met and raise a defect. 

*In practice, testing is an ongoing activity throughout the project life-cycle, but for my purposes here, it is illustrated it as a single element.

In practice, the quality log might seem a superfluous overhead. It can however prove to be quite a useful document, illustrating what has been achieved. By comparison, the defect log which, on its own, can paint a picture that isn't wholly representative.

The quality risk analysis was something I came across in Rex Black's book, Critical Testing Processes. Equally, he covers it in reasonable detail here. I include the abstract below.

Testing any real-world system is potentially an infinite task. Of this infinite set of possible tests, test managers need to focus on the most significant risks to system quality. These are the potential failures that are likely to occur in real-world use or would cost a lot if they did occur. This article describes practical ways to analyze the risk to system quality, providing guidance along the way to achieving effective and efficient testing.

I'll return to the topic of quality risk analysis and include a useful resource to support its use in due course. However, it would seem an opportune time to leave you with a very succinct and almost universal definition of quality namely; meets requirements, fit for purpose.

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